It all began with my photograph of a Black-crowned Night Heron I called B.C. taken at Brigantine National Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey.
This is B.C.
He also has a smaller twin called A.D.
A.D. witnessed all of the following unfortunate events.
It seems that one day B.C. became so fascinated with his reflection that he became hypnotized.
In fact he failed to notice that it was becoming very cold. So cold in fact that he froze solid. As hard as glass!
A short time later a jet helicopter roared over en route to Atlantic City. Well......... you can see what happened to poor B.C.
A.D. has set up a memorial to B.C. If you would care to contribute a rememberance or thought about this unfortunate incident, please
All photographs and Web Site design by "Lyle"
Special thanks to "Pat" for uploading the large files.