Birds of Hammonasset State Park Madison, Connecticut This list was prepared by and courtesy of Menunkatuck Audubon Society and includes data from the Birders' Log at the Nature Center at Hammonasset State Park. For more information about Hammonasset State Park contact the Friends of Hammonasset. S s F W Loons Red-throated Loon U U C Common Loon U R U C Grebes Pied-billed Grebe O O O Horned Grebe C C C Red-necked Grebe R R R Eared Grebe Ac Ac Ac Storm Petrel Wilson's Storm-Petrel R Gannet, Pelican,Cormorants Northern Gannet R R R American White Pelican R R R R Brown Pelican Ac Great Cormorant U U C Double-crested Cormorant A A A U Herons, Ibis, Egrets American Bittern O U U O Least Bittern Ac Ac Ac Great Blue Heron C U C U Great Egret C U C Snowy Egret C C C Little Blue Heron U U U Tricolored Heron R R R Cattle Egret R R Green-backed Heron C C C Black-crowned Night Heron U U U O Yellow-crowned Night Heron R R R Glossy Ibis U C U White Faced Ibis Ac Swan, Geese, Ducks Tundra Swan Ac Ac Mute Swan* C C C A Greater Whitefronted Goose Ac Snow Goose O O Brant U U O Canada Goose U U C U Wood Duck R R Green-winged Teal U O U O American Black Duck* A A A A Mallard* A A A A Northern Pintail R R R Blue-winged Teal O O O Northern Shoveler R R Gadwall O O O American Wigeon O O O Canvasback O O O Redhead R Ring-necked Duck R R Greater Scaup C C C Lesser Scaup O O O Common Eider R King Eider Ac Harlequin Duck Ac Oldsquaw O U U Black Scoter R R R Surf Scoter C C C White-winged Scoter C C C Common Goldeneye C U C Bufflehead C C C Hooded Merganser O O O Common Merganser O O O Red-breasted Merganser C R U C Ruddy Duck R R R Vulture, Osprey, Hawks, Falcons Black Vulture Ac Ac Turkey Vulture U U U O Osprey* C C C Bald Eagle O O O Northern Harrier C U C O Sharp-shinned Hawk U O C O Cooper's Hawk U U Northern Goshawk R R R Red-shouldered Hawk O O Swainson's Hawk Ac Broad-winged Hawk U O U Red-tailed Hawk U O U O Rough-legged Hawk O O Golden Eagle R American Kestrel* C U C R Merlin O U R Peregrine Falcon O U Gyrfalcon Ac Pheasant, Bobwhite Ring-necked Pheasant O O O O Ruffed Grouse R R R Northern Bobwhite R R Rails, Coot Yellow Rail Ac Black Rail Ac Clapper Rail* C C C O King Rail Ac Virginia Rail O R O R Sora R R R Common Moorhen R American Coot O O Cranes Sandhill Crane Ac Plovers, Sandpipers, Gulls, Terns, Razorbill Black-bellied Plover C U C U Lesser Golden Plover O U Semipalmated Plover U U U Piping Plover* U U Killdeer* A A A R American Oystercatcher* U U U R Greater Yellowlegs C C C Lesser Yellowlegs U C C Solitary Sandpiper O O O Willet* C C C Spotted Sandpiper U U U Upland Sandpiper O O O Whimbrel O O O Hudsonian Godwit Ac R R Marbled Godwit Ac R R Ruddy Turnstone U U U O Red Knot O O O Sanderling U U U C Semipalmated Sandpiper C C C Western Sandpiper O O Least Sandpiper C C C White-rumped Sandpiper O O Baird's Sandpiper R R Pectoral Sandpiper O U U Purple Sandpiper U U U Dunlin U U U Curlew Sandpiper Ac Stilt Sandpiper O O Buff-breasted Sandpiper R Short-billed Dowitcher O U U Long-billed Dowitcher O O Common Snipe O O O O American Woodcock R R Wilson's Phalarope R R R Red-necked Phalarope Ac Parasitic Jaeger Ac Laughing Gull O C C Little Gull R R Common Black-headed Gull R R R Bonaparte's Gull C O U C Ring-billed Gull A A A A Herring Gull A A A A Iceland Gull R R R Lesser Black Backed Gull R R R Great Black-backed Gull C C C C Black-legged Kittiwake Ac Gull-billed Tern Ac Caspian Tern R R R Royal Tern R R Roseate Tern O O O Common Tern C C C Arctic Tern R R Forster's Tern O O Least Tern* C C O Black Tern R Black Skimmer R Dovekie Ac Thick-Billed Murre Ac Ac Razorbill Ac Ac Doves Rock Dove* A A A A Mourning Dove* A A A A Cuckoo Black-billed Cuckoo R R Yellow-billed Cuckoo R R Owls Barn Owl R R R Great Horned Owl* U U U U Snowy Owl R R Barred Owl R R Great Grey Owl Ac Long-eared Owl O O Short-eared Owl O O O Boreal Owl Ac Northern Saw-whet Owl O O Goatsuckers Common Nighthawk R O U Whip-Poor-Will Ac Ac Ac Swift, Hummingbird Chimney Swift O O O Ruby-throated Hummingbird O O O Kingfisher Belted Kingfisher U U U O Woodpeckers Red-headed Woodpecker R R Red-bellied Woodpecker O O O O Yellow-bellied Sapsucker O O O Downy Woodpecker* U U U U Hairy Woodpecker* U U U U Northern Flicker* C C C C Flycatchers Eastern Wood Pewee U O C Yellow Bellied Flycatcher R R Acadian Flycatcher R Willow Flycatcher* C U U Least Flycatcher R Eastern Phoebe C U U Great Crested Flycatcher U U Western Kingbird Ac Eastern Kingbird* C C U Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Ac Lark Horned Lark* O R O U Swallows Purple Martin* C C Tree Swallow* A A A N. Rough-winged Swallow O O O Bank Swallow O U O Cliff Swallow R Barn Swallow* C C C R Jay, Crows Blue Jay* C C C C American Crow* C C C C Fish Crow O O O O Titmice, Nuthatches, Creeper Black-capped Chickadee* C C C C Boreal Chickadee Ac Ac Tufted Titmouse* U U U U Red-breasted Nuthatch O O O White-breasted Nuthatch U U U U Brown Creeper O O O Wrens Carolina Wren* C C C House Wren* U U U Winter Wren O O Marsh Wren* C C U Kinglets, Gnatcatcher Golden-crowned Kinglet C C U Ruby-crowned Kinglet C C O Blue-gray Gnatcatcher U O U Thrushes Northern Wheatear Ac Eastern Bluebird O O Veery O O Gray-cheeked Thrush R Swainson's Thrush O O Hermit Thrush U U O Wood Thrush O O American Robin* A A A U Mockingbirds, Thrasher, Waxwing, Starling, Shrike Gray Catbird* C C C U Northern Mockingbird* A A A A Brown Thrasher* C C U American Pipit O O R Bohemian Waxwing Ac Ac Cedar Waxwing* U C U European Starling* A A A A Northern Shrike R Loggerhead Shrike R Vireos White-eyed Vireo O O Solitary Vireo O O Yellow-throated Vireo R R Warbling Vireo R Philadelphia Vireo R Red-eyed Vireo* U U U Warblers Blue-winged Warbler* U O U Golden-winged Warbler R R Tennessee Warbler U U Nashville Warbler O O Orange-crowned Warbler R Northern Parula C O Yellow Warbler* A C C Chestnut-sided Warbler U O Magnolia Warbler U O Cape May Warbler R Black-throated Blue Warbler U U Yellow-rumped Warbler A A U Black-throated Green Warbler U O Blackburnian Warbler O O Pine Warbler O O Prairie Warbler O R O Palm Warbler U U Bay-breasted Warbler O O Blackpoll Warbler U U Cerulean Warbler U U Black-and-white Warbler C U American Redstart C C Worm-eating Warbler R R Ovenbird U U Northern Waterthrush O O Louisiana Waterthrush O O Kentucky Warbler R R Connecticut Warbler R Mourning Warbler R R Common Yellowthroat* C C C O Hooded Warbler R R Wilson's Warbler O O Canada Warbler U O Yellow-breasted Chat R R R Tanager Summer Tanager Ac Scarlet Tanager U O Western Tanager Ac Grosbeaks, Buntings, Finches, Sparrows Northern Cardinal* C C C C Rose-breasted Grosbeak U O Blue Grosbeak Ac Indigo Bunting R Dickcissel R R Pine Siskin R R Eastern Towhee* C U U O American Tree Sparrow C C C Chipping Sparrow* U U U Clay-colored Sparrow R Field Sparrow U U O Vesper Sparrow R O Lark Sparrow Ac Savannah Sparrow C O C C Grasshopper Sparrow R R Henslow's Sparrow Ac LeConte's Sparrow Ac Sharp-tailed Sparrow* U C U Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow U U Seaside Sparrow* U C U Fox Sparrow O O O Song Sparrow* A A A A Lincoln's Sparrow R R Swamp Sparrow* O O U O White-throated Sparrow C C C White-crowned Sparrow O U Dark-eyed Junco C C C Lapland Longspur O O O Smith's Longspur Ac Chestnut-collared Longspur Ac Snow Bunting O U U Blackbirds, Orioles Bobolink O O Red-winged Blackbird* A A U O Eastern Meadowlark O O O Yellow-headed Blackbird Ac Rusty Blackbird 0 0 Boat Tailed Grackle R Common Grackle* C C C O Brown-headed Cowbird* C U U Orchard Oriole O O O Baltimore Oriole* U U U R Pine Grosbeak Ac Purple Finch R R R House Finch* A A A A Red Crossbill R R White-winged Crossbill Ac Common Redpoll Ac American Goldfinch* C C C U Evening Grosbeak Ac House Sparrow* C C C C S - Spring March, April, May s - Summer June, July, August F - Fall September, October, November W - Winter December, January, February Abundance Designation A - abundant These birds are very numerous and should be found on any visit. C - common. These birds are almost certain to be found in the proper habitat. U - uncommon These birds occur regularly and and should be seen by looking in the right place at the right time. O - occasional These birds occur irregularly, are seen only a few times a season, or may not be present every year. R - rare These birds may or may not be seen in any given year. Ac- accidental These birds have been seen, but are not expected to occur. * - These birds are known to breed in the Park. Revised July, 1999