We seldom take time in todays competitive, go go world,
to just unwind and enjoy our surroundings.
Nature offers many opportunities for us to do just that.
This web site is designed to provide a few minutes for you to
sit back, relax, and enjoy the "Peace and Serenity" of our natural world.
The web site that follows runs for approximately five minutes.
After going to the first page by clicking the button at
the bottom of this page, it is fully automatic,
and each succeeding page will be loaded automatically.
Page one and each page there after takes about twenty seconds each.
It is intended that the viewer have time in each of the photographs
to stimulate their senses by recalling
a pleasant experience related to a similar scene.
Picture yourself being there in scene one
and watching the dawn of a new year unfold before your eyes.
I hope that through these photographs,
you will be able to recall some pleasant memories. Enjoy !
NOTE~ This web site is designed to be viewed with MSN-TV.
Unfortunately, the photographs do not download properly
on the first viewing with a personal computer.
If you are willing to let it run all the way through the first time,
they should download properly on the second time through.
Please be sure that your sound is turned on for full effect.
The final photo is a sunset over Lake Waramaug.
All photography on "Peace and Serenity" web site is copyright � 2003-2004 by
Midi file sequenced by Barry Taylor
Optimized for MSN-TV