During the time that I have been on he Internet,I have received many e-mails containing jokes, parodies, and thought provoking messages. I have saved a few of them. Over the course of time it seemed to me that some of these "thoughts" deserved a better setting than a plain old e-mail and if put in the form of a web page, they could be more easily shared with others. So.., I prepared this small web site of "Gleanings" for your enjoyment, edification and sharing.
I don't know of any way that I can determine the original author of these pieces, but if any of them are truly your original work, I will gladly give credit to you or remove the piece from this web site if requested to do so. It is not my intent to "steal" the work of others but I do think they are worthy of sharing.
I hope you will find these "Gleanings" enjoyable and as thought provoking as I have.
To Betty, Frank and Ray: Thank You !
Please click on this menu to make your selection.
Your Cross | Keep Your Fork | My Father Said |
Power Of Words | Seven Wonders | Sunshine |
I Asked God | Happiness On Hold | Gleanings Home |
Peace and Serenity (A relaxing slide presetation). |
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